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Thursday, May 28, 2009
I have used Tend Skin for 5 or 6 years, I started using it after reading about it in a magazine (don't remember which one). I have a different problem than most people, I have ingrown hairs on my legs. what about beauty?

The ingrown hairs on my legs are not from shaving but are hereditary, my mother had them and my brothers and I have had them since we were little. The ingrown hairs don't bother my brothers, but, since I am a girl they have always been embarrasing to me.

Tend Skin is the only thing that has rid me of these bumps completely. I know some people have had a bad esperience with Tend Skin but I have always been satisfied, also, I don't think the formula has changed or been "watered down" at all, I've never seen any change in the results I get.